Being more than just your photographer means that I’m there for you whenever you need me; as a sounding board, a voice of calm, an opinion or a positive reassurance. It also means that I will be there to capture that feeling of coming home; of being wholeheartedly at peace in the arms of the one person on this planet who has aided you in becoming the truest version of yourself.
These are the moments–and the images–that are going to bring you back to that exact time and place; those are the feelings that you never thought could be tangibly translated into imagery.

Your destination travel photographer and so much more...



What is the booking process like?
Your first step is filling out the contact form, followed by a consultation call. Then, if I am a good fit for you, we make it official! After that, you will gain access to your own photography session portal, including questionnaires, timeline calls, vision boards, etc. I like to be very involved in the timeline planning & truly get an understanding of what you envision for your session or wedding. My goal is to help you with the ins & outs of photography and the roll it plays for your special day.
Do you offer wedding packages?
While I don’t have predetermined packages, each couple receives a customized package that is as unique as their wedding day. I want to fit into your needs, versus you fitting into mine.
Do you edit or Photoshop us?
When it comes to editing, I try to keep everything as close to how it was in the moment as possible. With that being said, I definitely try to edit out anything that is temporary such as blemishes, bruises, etc. If you would like extensive retouching we can discuss that, and if you have a particular insecurity then let me know before our shoot and I will keep that in mind. I want you to feel your very best and most importantly, I want to show you how beautiful you naturally are!
Do you travel? If so, do you charge extra?
Yes! As a military brat, I have the itch to be all over the world. I am a Orlando-based photographer but if you are in a different city, state, or country, tell me the date and I’ll already be on the plane! The cost is dependent on destination and what time of year you’re thinking (the earlier you book the better). Travel and lodging are additional costs, however, ask about your specific needs, and I’ll do my best to accommodate you.
Do you distribute/sell/include RAW files?
For those who may not know, RAW files are unedited images, and no, I do not distribute them. The reason is that editing is a massive part of the creative process, and my job isn't just to take the photos, it is to make them into art for you! If there is anything specific you want done to them please do not hesitate to ask, I will always tell you the process behind the madness :)
What if we need to cancel or reschedule our wedding? What if we need to reschedule a standard session?
Your deposit is non-refundable so in the case of cancelling a wedding, a refund will not be available. If you need to reschedule, it will be dependent on if the new date is available to me. Due to my select number of weddings a year, a large number of couples get turned away for those who have booked first with their secured deposit.
As for rescheduling a standard session, We can totally reschedule if the weather is treacherous, but some of my favorite shoots are on cloudy days or in the rain! Honestly, some funky weather is so much fun to add some spice into your photos, and rain can give off total Notebook vibes. When it comes to other reasons to reschedule, there will be a reschedule fee but we can chat dates and decide what is next available, so no worries!